Wednesday, 15 April 2020
In light of all things happening in one of our bubbles, home delivery is today's topic of discussion. Total avoidance of going out means delivery is on the menu more than ever for cleanliness and convenience. If you have a large bubble like so many family's like us do, then food flow is essential and avoidance of unnecessarily going out is crucial to keeping the contagion at bay. We have relied heavily on the bigger brands to do the job but with the long lines and unavailability of normal delivery days/times we have to look for other options to shop. We looked to and received one of these bug juicy apples. They are among a host of other delivery services listed here at deliverat offering independent, local deliveries all around New Zealand. Food is essential. is quick and easy way to get fruits and vegetables delivered regularly while you and the people in your bubble have to avoid going out.
The availability of produce needs to be looked at on local level if we intend to plan for the future. Local delivery is part of the answer. It has actually always been that way. In cultures going back thousands of years we looked to what could be produced in close proximity to our homes in order to sustain a life in our chosen location. Farmers, growers, winemakers, cheese makers, and the like all serviced their closer communities which kept individual economies flowing and civilizations growing. Supporting local producers is a careful consideration that we all must spend some time on as we recreate and curate our lives. Shopping local is easy.