Our meeting this week was a real moment of awareness as one of our writer's revealed a few true struggles in isolation. From the outside we have locked down and are getting on with it but the reality that what is happening inside our own homes and heads may not be as easy as applying a few rules and moving on.
Kite Support is based on micro moments-small steps each day lead to great change, whether it is for self-care or for building leadership. We caught up with the Kite CEO Hannah Hardy-Jones on the importance of the importance of self-care during lockdown.
Lockdown experiences will vary greatly between people. There are many factors that will dictate the level of stress and anxiety that each person will experience. Are there kids at home? Are they an essential worker? Are both parents having to work from home? Are they living alone? Are there financial worries? Do they suffer from a mental health condition? Are they supporting an elderly relative? One thing is for certain though. These are stressful and uncertain times for all of us. Which means now more than ever we need to take steps to look after ourselves and equip ourselves with the tools to get through and to thrive at the end of it all.
Self care is a concept that people either relate to or roll their eyes at. Some believe it is selfish, particularly when it comes to being a parent. However self-care doesn’t have to mean going to get a massage, long walks on the beach or buying new clothes. Self care can be small tiny parts of the day. It might mean walking to the end of the garden and taking three deep breaths. It might mean taking a few minutes to write down what is on your mind. It might mean using your favourite mug when you make a cup of coffee. Or even as simple as taking a few extra minutes in the shower to enjoy the feel of the water on you. All of these micro moments of self-care add up during the day. It is simply about fitting them in when you can.